Rodents recovering from surgery can have a decreased appetite:
Bacon flavoring added to diets can help stimulate
a rodent's
appetite after sickness, stress or
surgery. Providing a highly palatable diet to
rodents can get debilitated animals eating
again and promote a more rapid recovery
post- operatively. Soft, flavored diets, such as
Bacon Softies™, have been successfully used to stimulate a rodent's appetite and maintain body
weight in sick, stressed, or post-operative rodents.
Learn More About Bacon Softies
Rabbits are natural burrowers:
These burrows are sometimes called rabbitholes or when in groups, warrens. They use these shallow, bowl-like holes for sleeping and resting or for protection against predators. A rabbit that flips over Bio Serv's Rabbit Hut™ is actually creating a comfortable burrow in their cage where they feel safe and protected, thereby achieving the goal of reducing stress on the animal So don't be frustrated when you see the rabbit is not using the enrichment exactly the way you anticipated!
Learn More About Rabbit Huts